Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009



This research discuss about The Role of Entrepreneurship on Forming Personality of Human Being, that based on the worry of the author towards the variety of social changes, the many of human needs, competition in looking for job that very tight, so create unemployment. Then this research attempt to answer and to find basic problem that became cause of those changes.

The methods that used in this research is hermeneutics philosophic that include the methodic elements inside as follow: description, interpretation, and reflection. The using of that method refer to the existing problem and as a tool to find problem solving that became question in problem formulation.

Based on the methodic steps above, the results reaches on this research are: 1) hidden philosophy of entrepreneurship which is human that free from personal problems then he/she will know his/her nature and will develop his/her potency, 2) as one form of the basic human problems in forming personality as human being are placed on attitude, with the wrong attitude in work, anykind of work will not success, so there are many new efforts that discovered by human became collapse, and even with their attitude human can not provide creative ideas and find who is he/she. the form of entrepreneurship that can form personality of human being is emphasize in finding the existence, discovery, human resource development and empowerment. 3) the graph of human being is human that have the essential aspects of human which consist of the elements as one of the complimentary the stand of living creature that accompany with a spirit, attitude, behavior, and ability of person in managing efforts or activities that lead to finding, creating, and applying the way of work efforts, technology and new products by using the existing resources.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, human being.

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